E-Commerce Data for GA4 and Meta

by | Jan 14, 2025 | Digital Marketing

This document lists all possible e-commerce data that can be passed to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Meta, with event keys and descriptions. E-Commerce Data Table Metric Name GA4 Event Key Meta Event Key Description Add to carts add_to_cart AddToCart Number of times users added items to cart Checkouts begin_checkout InitiateCheckout Number of times users […]

This document lists all possible e-commerce data that can be passed to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Meta, with event keys and descriptions.

E-Commerce Data Table

Metric NameGA4 Event KeyMeta Event KeyDescription
Add to cartsadd_to_cartAddToCartNumber of times users added items to cart
Checkoutsbegin_checkoutInitiateCheckoutNumber of times users began checkout
Ecommerce purchasespurchasePurchaseNumber of completed purchases
Ecommerce quantityitem_quantityquantityQuantity of items purchased
Gross item revenueitem_revenueTotal revenue from individual items
Gross purchase revenuepurchase_revenuePurchaseTotal revenue from all purchases
Item refund amountrefund_amountRefundTotal refund amount for items
Item revenueitem_revenueRevenue for a specific item
Items added to cartitems_added_to_cartAddToCartNumber of individual items added to cart
Items purchaseditems_purchasedPurchaseNumber of individual items purchased
Items viewedview_itemViewContentNumber of individual items viewed
Purchase revenuepurchase_revenuePurchaseRevenue from purchases
Refund amountrefund_amountRefundAmount refunded
Shipping amountshippingShippingAmountTotal shipping cost
Tax amounttaxTaxAmountTotal amount of taxes collected
Transactionstransaction_idTransactionIDUnique transaction identifier
Promo impressionsview_promotionViewPromotionNumber of times a promotion was viewed
Promo clicksselect_promotionPromotionClickNumber of times a promotion was clicked

This table captures the e-commerce data that can be passed to GA4 and Meta, along with their associated keys and a brief description.